
Welcome to my blog of rambles…
I don’t profess to be good at writing, and I have alot to say! I hope you do enjoy your stay anyway! ❤

This is mummy!

This is mummy!

This is daddy!


These are the kidlets!
Jijah(formally known as Lijie!) and Juju!


Mummy and Daddy got together in the February of 2010. I, Mummy was 20, and Daddy was almost 21. We loved each other right from the start and loved God too, so on Mummy’s 21st birthday Daddy asked her to marry him and in August of 2011, Mummy and Daddy got married. Even though many people didn’t quite understand why we got married so soon, we have never regretted it, think it’s the best decision we ever made and that marriage is the easy bit!

Mummy and Daddy being the romantic people that we are, thought that it would be amazing if we happened to have a honeymoon baby, but that rarely happens, right? Especially if Mummy is told “it is unlikely that you will get pregnant without help” due to PCOS. Mummy and Daddy decided to give it a shot anyway, and in the September of 2011, Mummy told Daddy that Baby Lijie was going to make his debut in May 2012!
And in May 2012, just as Mummy had expected, along came Baby Lijie who has been bringing us up ever since!

But the story didn’t end there! Just as predicted, baby hard times get easier as baby gets older and then Mummy and Daddy get to spend more time together! *wink wink!* and on Christmas Eve in 2013 Mummy came to tell Daddy that she had just the best Christmas gift ever for him! A surprise little number…baby number 2! and in August 2014, after a reasonably difficult pregnancy! Baby Juju came to join Mummy, Daddy and Lijie to make the madness all that bit sweeter and the crazy all that bit more fun!

We continue to be brought up and taught new things about ourselves, life and everything, everyday!

This blog is primarily going to be a homeschooling journal, but will have a few other ‘Mummy things’ throw in there for good measure cos I can’t shut up! Warning: Some of these Mummy things will probably be TMI!

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