My breastfeeding story.

Breastfeeding. One of the most guilt inducing things for a Mother. Love it or hate it, it is usually, biologically the best thing to do for your baby.

My breastfeeding story is relatively simple, there has been no mastitis, Baby Lijie latched on great and gained weight well. All the things health visitors want to hear.

Having breastfed for almost a whole year, one would think that Mummy would enjoy breastfeeding. Incorrect. For the first three months in fact I hated it, it made me hate myself, hate life and sometimes, quite dislike my baby! Breastfeeding a newborn meant for me, no time to myself, the weird feeling of someone attached to you ALL. DAY. LONG. and for a long time, being uncomfortable. I also hated breastfeeding in public, covering myself as much as I could, which was hot and awkward. During the first three months breastfeeding Elijah took up most of my day, Baby Lijie fed often, sometimes 20minutes, often shorter, but often every one or two hours. Baby Lijie did this until he was about 7 months old. During our stay in hospital right after Baby Lijie was born, a midwife told me that he had a ‘minor tongue tie’ and to keep an eye on it, and see how things go before worrying about it. After a few weeks when breastfeeding was still uncomfortable, I wouldn’t say highly painful, but annoying and uncomfortable, I asked about getting it snipped, but the midwife I rang said she wouldn’t even refer me to a Doctor because he was gaining weight well and I wasn’t ‘in pain’.

Again I didn’t speak my mind and speak out, and I sat for three months anxious and uncomfortable, but I carried on because I knew it was best for him, and each day I would sit and set myself another goal to reach, at one month, three months, and three months, six months, and never before six months did I EVER think I would be breastfeeding after six months!! Never. Slowly things got easier and less painful, maybe Baby Lijie has broken my nipples! Who knows! But he grew well, I fed him well and he has thrived. I don’t hate breastfeeding anymore, and he doesn’t feed as often during the day, or night any longer, unfortunately he does still demand it at night about 3 times! I am too lazy to sleep train but I  don’t plan to keep on breastfeeding once he is walking around well like a toddler, so we will see what happens!

Since reading up more about tongue/lip ties, I think Baby Lijie has both a minor tongue tie and quite a bad upper lip tie too.

Next baby, I am right away checking and know what to look for now. I will demand to get them snipped by a good doctor and I WILL enjoy breastfeeding!

2 thoughts on “My breastfeeding story.

  1. Pingback: Breastfeeding Pain | Breastfeeding in Public Blog

  2. Pingback: Breastfeeding the 2nd time around. | bringingupmumanddad

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